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Thank you for being curious, I am so glad you are here!
Learning polymer clay has been a space of exploration, awareness and  healing for me. I never imagined how much I would fall in love with this medium. After buying all of my supplies and giving it a try, it very quickly became something I craved every day.

I have learned so much and I really wanted to create a space where I could share what I've learned in hopes that it may help you along the way of your clay journey. So that is where this blog was born. A space where we create, learn, and grow together!

I am Kate, a Mum, a Wifey, an obsessive maker of all things, a messy crafter and a LOVER of Clay. I dabble in a bit of this and a bit of that and my never stays in one place. I guess you could call me a Humanoid Creator of magnitude! I am thankful that my mind is always forever exploring and wandering because if it didn’t I’m not sure I would have ever landed where I am now.

Please bear with me while this space changes and transforms! I appreciate you and I look forward to waking up and checking in with you each day, to see what you too are creating!

I hope that what I share and offer through this creative space gives you even just the slightest bit of inspiration to create and spend time each day, doing something that brings you happiness and calm.

Creativity has been such a healing journey, and this journey has brought me to you, so I am happy you are here.

XX Kate


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