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01  Remedial treatments feature Shiatsu and Reflexology techniques, which assist your body to bring oxygen and blood back to areas of tightness, this contemporary session does not include deeper releasing, muscle balancing, stretching or hotstones.

02   Uniquely balanced Deep tissue, incorporating deep remedial strokes, Bowen releases and hotstone techniques, this contemporary session is no cookie cutter solution and assists with reducing stress, dissolving adhesions and tightness, rebalancing your body and decreasing pain.
- These sessions are designed for clients who require a deeper treatment, or those who wish to target specific areas of concern ie headaches and migraines, tightness through shoulders and lower back, hips, legs and arm restrictions. 

Touch is vital part of every day life, when we acknowledge where we are in our body, and how we have reached this point, we are able to unravel the pain and discomfort. We are active partners in our own healing, we hold the answers we seek and by connecting with our body, helps us align to the truth of how we wish to feel. This helps us to uncover our next phase of healing.

Over time, tension builds in our muscles, tightening our fascia, restricting our movement and energy due to lack of blood flow and circulation. My role in your journey is to bring life back to the hardened muscular areas within your body, dissolving the adhesions and tightness using various tools and techniques. This allows oxygen and new blood to circulate to these areas, bringing a sense of calm to your nervous system and creating more space within your mind and body.

My approach revolves around treating your body as a whole, not just in providing pain relief, but finding the root cause of your pain and how your body holds on to its tension, as this is the key to your long term healing journey.


As a long term suffer of headaches and migraines, my passion is to work with you to relieve neck tension and headaches. The type of neck work I provide my clients with is highly intuitive, integrative and detailed. I focus on the connective tissue in the neck, the muscles and their attachments. This type of body work is for those who experience headaches, chronic neck pain, upper back and arm pain, TMJ, and overall tension in these areas.

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What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave or meditate for hours? What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about?
By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.

 how can it help?

  • Greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving.

  • Relieves tension in both mind and body.

  • Elimination of behavioral patterns, addiction and psychological disharmony.

  • Releases blocks caused by anger, sadness, frustration and self loathing.

  • Improved manageability of anxiety, depression and monkey mind thoughts.

  • Please Note: Each session is guided by the client and how much they are willing to receive, possibilities are limitless

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 how can it help?

Many people have said that their whole lives changed after these sessions, more money started coming in, the felt more happier, more confident and so many wonderful things started to shift and change.

Please Note: A willingness to lower your barriers and be all of you will exponentialise your session.

Karuna Reiki is a beautiful high vibrational energy which runs through every body and every thing on planet earth. It is the very essence of our soul and by engaging within a session Karuna Reiki allows your body to dissipate all the areas you have solidified judgment and dis-ease into the cells of your body. When you change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life.

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 how can it help?

  • restores cells within your face and body

  • reduces the appearance of aging

  • dissipates cellular memory and judgements on your body 

  • restores your natural glow

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body's cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. No needles, no oils or gels, just energetic touch and nurturance. Includes head massage Facilitation is also available

what they're saying

"Am not surprised Kate has only/all 5 star reviews! She is so lovely and amazingly talented. I have been to so many massage and spa services and have not been fully satisfied, as I’d still have sore and tight muscles. Kate listens and works to understand what your body needs. She was able to find and release muscles around my neck and shoulders. Which were causing headaches. I love how she also incorporates hot stones into her massages. And I just felt like I was on a cloud after. My body was so relaxed, and most importantly relieved from aches and pains. If you need a fix or are just looking for a calm and relaxing experience - Kate. Her work is rare, I cannot recommend her enough. I look forward to her returning back to Australia one day."

Tia. Adelaide, South Australia

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